
- Simple Definitions -

Andrew Tu


University of California, San Diego

Biochemistry/Cell Biology

About Me


Who am I?

I am currently studying biochemistry/cell biology at the University of California, San Diego. I do however, enjoy dabbling in other fields outside of my major. As of now, I am currently experimenting and playing the bitcoin market.


How did I learn of bitcoins?

I first learned of bitcoins in early 2012. However, I lacked the proper mindset to participate in the bitcoin market, so I merely observed for the year. After observing the growths and decays of the bitcoin market for a good year, I decided to sink some money in the bitcoin market and see if I could make a profit.


Why did you want to decide to participate in the bitcoin market?

It seemed not only an economic experiment, but a social experiment as well for me. Bitcoin have no hard value, which makes its price changes very unstable and dependent on how secure the currency is from cyber attacks, the social environment, and other hard-to-measure factors.


When did you participate in bitcoin market?

After obtaining a bitcoin wallet address, I entered the bitcoin market during 2013 during one of the crashes of bitcoin (when the price of bitcoin had dropped drastically). I then proceeded to buy and sell bitcoins up to the MtGox scandal, from which I withdrew my funds from bitcoin completely.


What purpose does this website serve?

This website is not designed to set you up with advanced bitcoin investment techniques nor get convince you to join the market (I am not your investment banker). The intention of this site is to introduce you, the reader, to the concept of bitcoin (if you haven't heard of it already) and my personal experiences with them. If you're interested in bitcoin after perusing my site, I would advise you to visit the last page, 'Invest!' for more information how to get started and more in-depth professional bitcoin sites. 


Why read this website?

People often like to hear of other opinions before trying something new. For example, when we are looking for new restaurants to eat at, or a new product to buy, we usually look for online reviews (yelp, forums etc). This website is like one of those online personal evaluations - but about bitcoin. 


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